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Nail Design with a Trendy Triangle French Tip


Triangle French tip is one of the most beautiful fashion trends that have recently been remarkably famous for their beauty and elegance. This is why most girls apply and follow them, as they are the french triangle tip most classic of all. Ideal for any occasion.

Top Triangle French Tip 2023


Top Triangle French Tip 2023

  • Neon French Manicure
  • Chrome Tips and Hearts
  • Cloud French Maincure
  • Rainbow French Manicure
  • Triple Curve French Manicure
  • Marble French Manicure
  • Zodiac Stars French Manicure
  • Red and Pink French Manicure
  • Side Swoop French Manicure
  • Black-and-White Negative Space French Manicure
  • Half Flower French Manicure
  • Gold Micro French Manicure
  • Triangular French Manicure
  • Bottega Green French Tip

How to Apply French Triangle Tip

You can apply triangular French manicures in many different ways and forms with some simple actions in integrating your favourite colours or according to your mood and occasions.

Experience these beautiful designs by adopting the following standard and critical points in any format you want to comply with:

  • Paint your nails in one colour as a base layer.
  • Cut a bar in a triangle shape, for example, using a coin, and paste it on the tip of the finger.
  • Rely on a corner and slanted strokes on the edges of the nails and paint them in a different colour from the first bottom layer.
  • Gently remove the ribbon a few seconds after applying the colour to the edges of the nails.
  • Apply the finishing touch as a final top layer.

Example of French Triangle Tip

Studs Triangle French Manicure is one of the simplest triangular French shapes in manicure mode, with a soft and quiet design. To get this beautiful format. You can follow the following steps:

Apply the foundation layer, and place the primary colour within the creamy shades of this layer. And wait for it to dry completely.

Stick triangular strips on the nail after the primary manicures have dried completely to determine what shape you want and ensure it is clean.

  • Start with nails one by one.
  • Paint the upper triangles in yellow, then carefully remove the tape attached to the tweezers.
  • Repeat this step on the other nails.
  • Decorate the triangle head with buttons or other accessories using nail glue.
  • Cover the entire nail design with two layers of a quick-dry top layer after the painted or added buttons dry, using shiny transparent manicures. And get bright nails.
  • Apply the same method using red, silver or gold.

Triangle French Tip Short Nails


  • Base coat
  • Clear top coat
  • Nude or light-colored nail polish (for the base)
  • Nail striping tape or nail vinyl
  • White nail polish
  • Small nail art brush (optional)
  • Nail polish remover (for cleanup)

Triangle French Tip Short Nails


Here, we can explain a step-by-step guide for triangle french tip short nails.

  • Step 1: Applying the Base Colour

You can omit this step for a traditional French tip appearance. To add a special touch to the design, you may choose a light or nude tint as your foundation colour. Apply one or two applications of the base colour, letting each one dry completely between each coat.

  • Step 2: French Tip for Making the Triangle

Cut small pieces of nail striping tape or use nail vinyl to make the triangular form at the tip of your nails. Lay the vinyl or tape over your nail diagonally, exposing the area you wish to paint.

To prevent polish from slipping under, make sure the tape or vinyl is firmly affixed to your nail.

  • Step 3: How to Use White Polish

Apply the white nail polish to the uncovered portion of the nail tip while the tape or vinyl is still in place. For complete opacity, you could require two sparse coats. Before removing the tape or vinyl with extreme caution, give the polish a minute or two to dry.

  • Step 4: Decorative Touches

Remove the tape or vinyl gently when the white polish has dried to expose the triangular French tip.

Using a tiny brush soaked in nail polish remover, remove any blemishes or extra polish from the area surrounding the cuticles.

  • Step 5: Using the Top Coat

Use a clear top coat to protect the design, increase gloss, and lengthen the life of your manicure. Any uneven edges will be smoothed out with the aid of the top coat.

  • Step 6: Drying Period

To avoid smearing, let your nails completely dry before doing anything.

  • Step 7: Maintenance

Applying a small coat of top coat every few days can keep your manicure looking new and prevent peeling.

Tips for the Success of the French Triangle Tip

You can get a successful French triangle manicure by inferring some relevant books’ ends and designs. The most prominent of which are:

Apply enough nail polish. And the small amount dries it very quickly.

Place enough transparent paint in the last top layer to make the nail look brighter and evener.

Cover the edges of the nails only with precision paint without entering the fingers by pressing the finger at a 45-degree angle. Be sure to apply these designs to long nails to avoid the mess that will occur when applied to short nails.


The French triangle manicures are the most beautiful fashion trends that overcome the styles of elegance in the present era and can be applied through simple initial steps boiling down to 3 points which is the primary layer.

Then decorate the edges in a different colour. The finishing touch known as transparent, glossy paint, and add some accessories as desired. To ensure the success of these designs. Follow some tips accurately while applying the steps.

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